Targa vs. BetaBasic for Peptide Mapping of a Tryptic Digest


Apps/Targa v Basic T.jpg

Targa C18 5µm 150x4.6mm P/N TS-1546-C185

Tryptic digest of a small polar protein
Conditions: 3% ACN to 80% ACN, with 0.04% TFA over 45 minutes. Two wavelength DAD detection.

Targa v Basic B.jpg

BetaBasic C8 150x4.6mm


Higgins Analytical in grateful to Amos Heckendorf of The Nest Group (http://www.nestgrp.com/protocols/protocol.shtml) for these data.

© 1996-2006 Higgins Analytical, Inc. (October 4, 2006)